Serving Trumbull, Shelton ,Monroe, Easton and Redding.
As yesterday's defenders of freedom, we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.  Our common bond is the battlefield, whether it is service in the Persian Gulf, Korea, Vietnam, Kosovo, the war on terrorism or peace-keeping expeditionary campaigns. Your courage and sacrifice have made a difference in preserving and defending world peace.

No Once Does More For Veterans


Join us as brothers and sisters of America to preserve the rights of veterans and support each other as only those who share in the camaraderie forged by conflict can. 

Commander's Corner

Commander Graham Bisset

It is with great sadnes that I announce the passing of Post 10059  member August (Gus) Firgau. Gus was an Army Veteran of the Korean War. Gus was a VFW life member and a three time Commander of Huntinton VFW Post 10466.        Slow Hand Salute and Rest in Peace. 



Next meeting Feb. 13th   6:00 PM River Valley. 101 Oakview Dr.

We will not be having having dinner before the Feb. 13th Meeting

 Please see the events calendar for events outside the Post 

News & Events

Upcoming events

Click above to view events.

View Local, State and National events. 


Membership Details

As yesterday's defenders of freedom...

 ...we want to welcome today's military service members into our ranks to become part of our elite group.

WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War, Persian Gulf War, Kosovo, War in Afghanistan, War in Iraq, War on Global Terror and other Peace-Keeping Expeditionary Campaigns throughout the globe.

Assistance & Benefits

Assistance & Benefits

The Veterans of Foreign Wars is dedicated

 to supporting those who sacrifice so much for this country, veterans, service members in the US Armed Forces, and their families and continues to be a voice for returning and currently deployed service members and their families.

Post Offices


We Will Never Forget Our Fallen Comrades

Post 10059 Meetings 2025

 Meetings will be held at the River Valley Retirement Community 
101 Oakview Dr. Trumbull Ct.
 Meetings 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
January-- ----9th 

Post 10059 Auxiliary meetings 2025

Meetings will be held at the Shelton Community Center 41 Church ST.  Shelton Ct. Wednesdays
6:30 PM - 7:45 PM
Apr. ---------9th
May. ---------14th
September ---10th

Poppy Drive


  Dates for this years Poppy Drive.

Shelton -     Stop & Shop Ma 3rd & 4th and May 10th and 11th
Trumbull - Stop & Shop May 19th thru May 26th
Monroe -    Stop & Shop May 24th and 25th
Easton/ Redding - TBA

Buddy Checks

Lets All Reach Out

IF you know a Veteran who hasn't attended a meeting or you haven't heard from give them a call. Ask them how they are doing if they need any assistance. If they would like to attend a meeting we can arrange for a ride.

Please join our Call a Buddy Team. 

Don't Feed the Sharks


Predatory Claim Shark companies are engaging in illegal activities and there is no gray area here, no matter how much money they want to throw at it.


Our programs support our service members while they are on the front line, as they are being discharged and long after they return. Your tax-deductible donation will be immediately directed to the VFW programs where your support is most urgently needed.



Come back frequently to see all the happenings and goings on at . We pride ourselves with our commitment to the community and veterans.

Scroll through our feed to see our most recent posts.


A satirical reflection by Author/Artist Phil Fehrenbacher

Phil enlisted in the Army in 1965 where you served for years in Vietnam.  He became a graphic designer and has worked for the state of Oregon for 26 years.  He retired in 2003 and started the Cartoon "In-Country".  The cartoons reflect his experiences during his tour of duty in South Vietnam.

There is a new cartoon everyday.

Post News

Important Info for Post10059 Members

Teachers of the Year 2024

Congratulations to this years Teachers of the Year

Red,White and Blue

Congratulations to Nikki Adorante our Red, White and Blue submission for the 6th to 8th grade signing of the National Anthem. Nikki won at the state level and placed 2nd in the National competion. Great job Nikki we are all so proud of you.

District News

Important Info for District 1 Members

This is article test 2

The summary of the article

This is the title article

This is the lead summary.

Statewide News

News & Info from your department

CT Veterans

Access Government Services Faster and Easier. The Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs Mobile Application allows Connecticut Veterans and residents to access crisis assistance by phone, text, and online chat.

No One Knows how I Feel

Luster & McCoy - No One Knows How I Feel (Patriotic Tribute) aka "You Are Not Alone"

National News

Important info from National VFW

VFW Honors National Black History Month

WASHINGTON - The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to join the nation in honoring our nation's Black American service member...

VFW Remembers Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

WASHINGTON - On Jan. 20, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and i...



That the purpose of this Corporation shall be fraternal, patriotic, historical, charitable, and educational: to preserve and strengthen comradeship among its members; to assist worthy comrades; to perpetuate the memory and history of our dead; and to assist their widows and orphans; to maintain true allegiance to the Government of the United States of America, and fidelity to its Constitution and laws; to foster true patriotism; to maintain and extend the institutions of American freedom, and to preserve and defend the United States from all her enemies.

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